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Creating a Clutch Bag

When asked to design a product I immediately thought about making a clutch bag. This is one accessory I would love more of. I decided upon the floral curtain fabric to make sure it is durable because I tend to pack a lot in my bags, even clutches. The floral accents on the bag will go with most summer and spring outfits. While the coral pink satin lining will add a pop of color as soon as the bag is opened.

The size is 9×7 with a 9×6 top. It has no formal closures other than the flap covering. It has about $8 to make, and I would set the retail sale cost at $20, keeping it in line with most bags at Forever 21 and Target.

My production costs are below. It turned out to be a cute bag and a lot of fun to create. What have you made before?

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