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Fall into Fall

It's been a while since I have been here writing to you! How have you been? Things have been happening here on my end, most of it good. Fall has finally hit here this week. I am finally trading in my flip flops for boots and booties, which I am seriously excited about! I have been shopping around for long sleeve dresses and new shirt dresses. And found a few keepers.

With the fall weather comes new fall accessories, and I have to admit I am jumping up and down at the new accessories line at my boutique. The great things about bags and scarves is that you can wear them with anything - pants, dress, date nights, days at the office, brunch with friends. You can mix and match them with your outfits like you do with your jewelry.

Here are a few of my favorites I thought I would share with you.

Let me know what you think. What's your favorite? How would you wear these looks?

If you like these looks, you can find them on my boutique:



Photo Credits: Chloe + Isabel

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